The Tekran® Laboratory Product Line
The Tekran® laboratory product line is specifically designed to meet the rigorous demands of the modern day analytical laboratory. Built around the ultra sensitive cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrophotometer (CVAFS) detector, our instrumentation offers the lowest detection limits available that surpass the requirements of ultra-trace methodologies such as EPA methods 1630 and 1631.
The Tekran® 2700 Methyl The Tekran® 2600 The Tekran® 2600-IO5 Mercury Analysis System Automated Total Mercury system provides a manual offers an automated Analyzer allows analysis of a approach to ambient air solution for complex and wide range of environmental analysis or other non-time consuming manual matrices.
The instrument flammable gasses. Samples techniques. The 2700 has a modular design are collected onto gold-is a fully-integrated gas with unique “Top Deck” coated quartz traps, and then chromatography cold-components allowing fast analyzed on the 2600-IO5 vapor atomic fluorescence user switching between instrument to determine Hg spectrophotometer (GC-analytical methods such as content CVAFS).
The 2700 can EPA 1631, EPA 245.7, analyze distilled waters, and EPA IO-5. The Tekran® extracted or distilled tissues 2600 utilizes a CVAFS and solids, and allows direct detector capable of analysis of suitable water measuring sub-picogram samples (MDL=0.002 ng/L).quantities of mercury.

Tekran® 2700
Methyl Mercury Analysis System

Tekran® 2600
Automated Total Mercury Analyzer